What will be in Suicide Survival 1.2

As promised on the release day of Suicide Survival 1.1 I will now write about what I want to have done before releasing the next version of Suicide Survival. In other words: what will be in 1.2 ?

One of the major problem right now with Suicide Survival is a motivation for longer play sessions. Thats why 1.2 will have a new gamemode. In this mode the game will be turned into round-based gameplay. Each round starts with one player starting as a Suicider and everyone else is a Survivor. If you die as a Survivor you will respawn as a Suicider and will stay Suicider until the round is over. This gamemode has two winning conditions:

  1. Survivors win if the timelimit is reached with one or more Survivors alive.
  2. Suiciders win if no Survivor is left alive before the timelimit is reached.

If the winning condition is met the winning team gets points and the round restarts over.

Another thing I want to have in 1.2 is the feature to allow mappers to replace the props Suiciders control. However this generates some more issues as mappers would also have to replace movement sounds and other stuff. But the idea is to give mappers full control of how the player models look and sound like.

Additional features are:

  • General game balancing in coherence with feedback from 1.1
  • A couple of new maps (of course!)
  • Bugfixes
  • additional crazy and totally senseless stuff

So thats about the general roadmap for the next release. Can’t wait to play it? me too! 😉

Suicide Survival 1.1 is here!

Well folks, delivered as promised the next release of Suicide Survival 1.1 is here!

Download the new version using this link (40 MB).

In the meantime check out the most importent changes and features in the new version:

  • New scoring system:
    Suciding without killing someone gives you one death penalty.
    Succesfully killing someone as suicider gives you no death penalty and one score point aswell as one team score point.
    Teamchange gives you one death penalty.
  • Suiciders are now a bit slower then Survivors.
  • Suiciders now have a special speeding attack which makes them very fast for a short period of time.
  • Suiciders now have third-person view.
  • Suiciders now can silently sneak around.
  • Survivors have now taunts aswell.
  • They flying books are faster now and are more affected by gravity, keep that in mind when aiming.

For a complete and detailed changelist check the included text files. The new maps in release 1.1 are:

  • ss_an_arena_dev
  • ss_castleyard_v2
  • ss_gardenpanic_b1
  • ss_greenfield
  • ss_outback
  • ss_park_final
  • ss_plaza_4

Some of those maps are more complete and balanced then others. However I still think they over a great variety of gameplay.

Well what are you waiting for? Go download the mod and have some fun exploiding and delivering knowledge to some random strangers on the internet. The future plans for Suicide Survival will be announced over the weekend on here.

Thanks and respect for 1.1 release go out to: zhe.f!5h, Mastix, Heyo, oOOpsyphiOOo, Arthurus, all the playtesters, Sethen, Donlan, JopiMan, Cheque, DuckSauce, everyone running a server for Suicide Survival, Agent Calavera and Sherp. He who I may have forgoten may explode on my in the next game ;).

Welcome to the official Suicide Survival Site

Welcome to the official blog and the first release of Suicide Survival.

If you want to know whats this mod all about I suggest you read the pages linked at the top.

On the other hand if you ever wanted to play as a rebelious shrubbery which sneaks up upon innocent gardeners in order to blow themselfs, then I suggest you head to the download page and try the mod out for yourself.

This is release 1.0 of the mod. It was being developed by Tobias Baumann as part of the course “Multiplayer Games and Technology” in the 5th semester at the Game Design Bachelor degree at the ZHDK, Switzerland.

Tell me how much this mod sucks and what you would do better at: tobias DOT baumann AT zhdk DOT ch