Hotfix for “mapversion-differs”

If you get the error: “mapversion differs” or something like that when trying to join a server who is running ss_garden, re-download the map pack.

I was under the impression the server would send you the newer version of the map if you already have it. Guess I was wrong, sorry about that. ss_garden is the old version. ss_garden2 is the newer version with some fixes.

Suicide Survival Map Pack released

I finished two more maps and fixed some small issues on ss_garden.


A simple map with fog and lesser shrub placement to make the game a bit easier for Survivors.

Recommended players: 1 – 5 per team


This rather small map was originally used for testing purposes. However I finished it and I still think its good fun. Spawn and ammo placement is pretty random tough.

Recommended players: 1 – 2 per Team


The famous ss_garden map. Its pretty well balanced and also the map I worked the most on. Including the famous greenhouse and the hidden camper spot.

Recommended players: 2 – 8 per Team

Download the map pack (3 mb) and leave some comments on the forum.

Suicide Survival featured on

Today only two days after release Suicide Survival got featured on

I must say I’m pretty amazed by how much people like this mod. And of course it makes me very happy to see other people having a blast with something I created. I already have some ideas and fixes in mind which will get released in the near future.

In the meantime enjoy booking and sneaking. If you want to help this mod check out the forums or make a dedicated server or a map. There are tutorials here for both of it.

And of course dont forget to listen to the Modcast on

Lastly here are some pictures from the day I released the mod. All the students from the 3th semester came to play what we created in the last two months. Needless to say they had a blast playing Suicide Survival aswell.

Tutorial – Setting up Hammer for Suicide Survival

This is a basic guide on how to set up hammer to map for Suicide Survival.

As of version 1.0 you dont need an fdg for Suicide Survival. However you need the right settings to see the models and textures.

Open the file “GameConfig.txt” in the following directory: <your_steam_directory>\steamapps\<your_steam_username>\sourcesdk\bin\source2007\bin

At the bottom of the file, but before:

“SDKVersion”        “3”

paste and edit the following:

“GameDir”      “<your_steam_directory>\steamapps\SourceMods\suicidesurvival_dev”
“GameData0”      “<your_steam_directory>\steamapps\sourcemods\suicidesurvival_dev\SuicideSurvival.fgd”
“GameData1”      “<your_steam_directory>\steamapps\<your_steam_username>\sourcesdk\bin\source2007\bin\hl2mp.fgd”
“TextureFormat”      “5”
“MapFormat”      “4”
“DefaultTextureScale”      “0.250000”
“DefaultLightmapScale”      “16”
“GameExe”      “<your_steam_directory>\steamapps\<your_steam_username>\half-life 2\hl2.exe”
“DefaultSolidEntity”      “func_detail”
“DefaultPointEntity”      “ai_ally_manager”
“BSP”      “<your_steam_directory>\steamapps\<your_steam_username>\sourcesdk\bin\source2007\bin\vbsp.exe”
“Vis”      “<your_steam_directory>\steamapps\<your_steam_username>\sourcesdk\bin\source2007\bin\vvis.exe”
“Light”      “<your_steam_directory>\steamapps\<your_steam_username>\sourcesdk\bin\source2007\bin\vrad.exe”
“GameExeDir”      “<your_steam_directory>\steamapps\<your_steam_username>\half-life 2”
“MapDir”      “<define a directory path where you want to save your map source files>”
“BSPDir”      “<your_steam_directory>\steamapps\SourceMods\suicidesurvival\maps”
“CordonTexture”      “tools\toolsskybox”
“MaterialExcludeCount”      “0”

Save the file and open Hammer. You should now have the game Suicide Survival under Game Configurations.

Now before you map away here is some importent info:

  • The ammo for Surviver is: item_ammo_crossbow
  • Fake-Suiciders are all: prop_physics_multiplayer
  • Trees are: prop_static
  • Spawnpoints for Survivors are: info_player_rebel
  • Spawnpoints for Suiciders are: info_player_combine
  • Respawning ammo is being done by using the env_entity_maker entity.
    Name your item_ammo_crossbow entities and use those names in the env_entity_maker field: “Point_template to Spawn”. Notice that you need one env_entity_maker for every item_ammo_crossbow.

Now some guidelines in coherence with the game concept:

  • The bright colors are there for a reason. In order to generally irritate players and to contradict the actually rather dark and horrorfying fact of exploding pot plants.
    So make sure your map somehow implements that.
  • Make sure your map is “camper proof”. Meaning there are no spots in the map which are easy to camp the Suiciders and Survivors.
  • Make sure there is enough respawning ammo.
  • Make sure you have enough respawn points to prevent players being killed by other spawning players.
  • Make sure the respawn points are placed higher then the shrubberies. If you dont do this spawning players can get stuck when they spawn inside a shrubbery that has been moved inside the spawn entity.
  • Make sure there are no areas where Survivors can get into or on top creating an advantage for them.
  • Make sure you honor the shrubberies.
  • and lastly: Ni!

If you made a map post it on the forum.

Tutorial – Dedicated Server for Suicide Survival

Ok this is a very basic tutorial to get you started.

Suicide Survival is based on HL2 Deathmatch and running on OrangeBox code of the Source Engine. So you will need the “Team Fortress 2 Dedicated Server” to run a server. Its the same as “source 2007 dedicated server” in your steamfolder/<your username>

But before you launch the tool delete the file “server.cfg” in SteamsteamappsSourceModsSuicideSurvivalcfg
There is some wierd erro which will prevent your server from changing levels if you leave the server.cfg there.

When you launch it you are giving a few options.

Most of those settings depend on your own liking and bandwith, etc. Just make sure you select the right Game and the right map.

When you are finished start the server.

Congratulations, your dedicated Suicide Survival Server should be up and running now.

If you dont see the server in the serverlist try to get some friends to join it.

You also might want to forward your port if you are connected over a router.  If you dont know how to do that look here:

Lastly: if you got your server up and running post the IP along with your settings or modifications and when your server will be up on the official forum.


So far there is only one common error i know of. When starting the dedicated server tool you get this error:

c:programgameinfo.txt is missing.

This error is generated because it can’t read the space inside the directory structure, (I know its pretty stupid). The only solution that I know of is to re-install steam into a directory with no spaces.
NOTICE: make sure you backup your game files in the steam directory. Because when you deinstall steam it deletes everything!

Current known Bugs

Current Known Bugs for Suicide Survival 1.0

  • Switching from Survivers to Spectator will crash the game
  • Dedicated Server works but will crash when trying to changelevel
    Solution: delete the server.cfg in the suicidesurvival/cfg/ folder.
  • The weaponmodel of the Knowledge_Weapon is slightly visible when zooming (right-click)
  • The weapons dont have the correct HUD icons

Found a bug? Send me an e-mail at: tobias(.)baumann(@)zhdk(.)ch

Welcome to the official Suicide Survival Site

Welcome to the official blog and the first release of Suicide Survival.

If you want to know whats this mod all about I suggest you read the pages linked at the top.

On the other hand if you ever wanted to play as a rebelious shrubbery which sneaks up upon innocent gardeners in order to blow themselfs, then I suggest you head to the download page and try the mod out for yourself.

This is release 1.0 of the mod. It was being developed by Tobias Baumann as part of the course “Multiplayer Games and Technology” in the 5th semester at the Game Design Bachelor degree at the ZHDK, Switzerland.

Tell me how much this mod sucks and what you would do better at: tobias DOT baumann AT zhdk DOT ch